- What are The Benefits of Credit Life Insurance
- Death & Total Permanent Disability: Outstanding loan amount and accrued interest Critical illness: Outstanding loan amount and accrued interest Funeral expenses of borrower Accidental d...
- What is Credit Life Insurance?
- This is a loan protection policy for homogeneous groups of individuals who take loans from financial institutions, banks or any registered money lending institutions. The product aims at pr...
- Who is Liable for Medical Under Writing?
- The clients with sum Assured above 40(forty) millions will be subjected to medical underwriting.
- What is The Waiting Period?
- There is a waiting period of 2 (two) months for natural death. Hospital cash has a waiting period of (3)three months
- What is Required For One to Enroll?
- A simple proposal form is filled in, 1st premium paid and a certificate issued.
- What is The Target Group for The NIC Career Plan?
- Parents aged between 20 years to 60 years.
- What Are the Benefits of the NIC Career Plan?
- Option to choose a savings component to save for your child’s education which becomes available after 24 months(2years) Permanent Total Disability pays out a specified amount of money t...
- Why NIC Career Plan?
- Our aim is to ensure the continuity of your child’s education in the unforeseen event of your death or inability to pay your child’s school fees as a result of becoming totally permanen...
- Account Profile Rating
- According to NIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. LTD, profile rating is a process where by your level of trust is determined based on the number of stars that you have in your account. This means t...
- How to change your password
- There are two ways through which you can be able to trigger a password reset through the system. You can either do so before logging in to your NIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. LTD account by using...
- Help Desk
- Submitting a Ticket Request When it comes to getting support from us at NIC LIFE INSURANCE CO. LTD, submitting a support ticket is one of the best ways to request assistance. To...
- Credit Limit
- WHAT IS CREDIT LIMIT This refers to the maximum outstanding balance you can have on your account without being penalized. It can in simple terms be comparable to a flexible loan o...
- Account Opening Documents
- As per regulations, we are required to know our customers (KYC). We therefore will need you to submit your documents in order to have your account verified and limits lifted off from it. T...